ORA is Ethereum’s trustless AI that enables AI on blockchains.

ORA breaks down the limitations of smart contracts by offering decentralized, verifiable AI, so developers can innovate freely.

ORA’s work has been trusted by Compound, Ethereum Foundation, Uniswap, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Manta, and beyond.

www.ora.io | x.com/oraprotocol | discord.gg/MgyYbW9dQj

ORA Onchain AI

ORA makes Onchain AI reality.

ORA contributes a suite of cutting-edge researches the field of onchain AI:

ORA Onchain AI Oracle


ORA’s Onchain AI Oracle (OAO) is ORA's verifiable and decentralized AI oracle.

OAO enables anyone to use onchain AI inference on any blockchain, with Optimistic Machine Learning.


Helpful Links

Litepaper https://mirror.xyz/orablog.eth/9FDbvTLK0bU_U6v7d-L6rrOi8Qqm2ezJUo7e-kxXfwo
Doc https://docs.ora.io/doc/cle/ai-oracle/develop-guide
Tutorial https://docs.ora.io/doc/cle/ai-oracle/develop-guide/tutorials/interaction-with-oao-tutorial
Video Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fcJbeKN1uM
Ecosystem Resources https://github.com/ora-io/awesome-ora


a) 🏆 ai/fi with ORA Onchain AI Oracle
